I can't believe how fast time flies, we've had a blast this last year and can't wait for another fun filled year. Last night we celebrated by going out to eat after our church's Trunk-or-Treat. We went to Laurelhurst Market for dinner and then to Papa Haydn's for dessert. Both places were delicious!
Congratulations and happy anniversary. That one year went by fast. I've sure enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the fun adventures you two have. Hope the next year is just as great! :)
Congrats on your anniversary! I agree, the first year of marriage goes by really fast. You guys look fabulous in this wedding picture! :)
Wow! I can't believe it's been a year already! Congratulations-you guys looks so happy!
Congratulations! Love you guys. Looks like you have been busy. I like Jeff's haircut. Can't wait to see you guys.
Oh Congrats! I can't believe it has been a year already!
Congratulations! That was so fun that I was able to attend your reception- we just happened to be in Utah for fall break. You look gorgeous in the pictures and did in real life too :)
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Keep up on the blogging, I love following all your newly wed adventures!
I SO can't believe it has already been a year!! Wow, time flies!! Congrats you guys!!
congrats on the 1 year mark!! i can't believe how fast that's gone. i'm so happy for you guys, you really do make the cutest couple.
Papa Haydens is awesome. Congrats. We had dinner with Alison King last week... your ears burning? She said she will come up here so we can get us together.
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