I first heard about this book while listening to Imus in the Morning. It's about the fall of Lehman Brothers and I love anything to do with Wall Street and finance. The interview with the author immediately grabbed my attention and I couldn't wait to get my hands on the book. She talks about a phone call she received from someone who asked her if she was the Vicky Ward who was writing the book on Lehman. She replied yes, and the person on the line said they have some documents that she would need to see. These documents were firsthand accounts of the last 25 years at Lehman Brothers, kept by senior members of its staff. She met this top secret source at 7 am in a coffee shop 90 minutes outside of Manhattan. From these documents, she wrote her book.
I found it fascinating to read about what went on inside one of Wall Street's leading financial firms. I loved this book and couldn't put it down.
Another book I just picked up is "The Big Short" by Michael Lewis. It's also about the financial crisis and I can't wait to read it. Michael Lewis is one of my favorite authors, he wrote "Liar's Poker" about his years as a bond trader in the 80's. I'll have to let you know what I think of "The Big Short" once I read it.
Since you are discussing finance books, where is the shout out for "A random walk Down Wall Street"? Haven't read it, but it's my favorite to talk about--and you get so excited about it. :)
That's funny Steff. I do need to pull that book out again and re-read it.
That's funny Steff. It is a great book. I really should pull it out and re-read it.
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