Anyways, I've been messing around with my bread baking and this was my second loaf of cinnamon raisin bread. The last one last one didn't last long enough to photograph, since we ate it so quickly.
I'm using the basic 6-3-1.5-1.5 recipe from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes and replacing one cup of flour with whole wheat. Then after letting it rise, I use a portion of the dough and roll it thin. It isn't perfect, but that's part of the fun. Then dust the top side with a generous amount of cinnamon and some fair trade sugar and then a liberal amount of raisins. Then you roll it like you would cinnamon rolls, but instead of cutting it into rolls, just form a loaf with it. Then just before baking, brush the top with melted butter and add a bit of sugar on top.
And really isn't so tasty! I'm thinking I could make some insane french toast with it, but it doesn't last that long.
Here's a photo of the bread and the smile it puts on my face.